1. Name
The name of the group shall be The Tutbury Practice Patient Forum.
2. Aims
The aims of the group shall be to bring together patients, doctors and practice staff to promote the well being of patients and support the practice to provide a high quality of care and service.
3. Membership
- Membership of the group shall be open to anyone registered with the Practice who is interested in helping the group to achieve its aims and who is willing to abide by the rules of the group.
- Every member shall have one vote at General Meetings.
- The membership of any member may be terminated for good reason by the group.
- Membership of the group will include representatives from the Practice team.
4. Meetings
Meetings will be held at least 4 times a year and notice of meetings will be given at least 7 days beforehand. Meetings may be held on a more frequent basis on agreement of the group. Dates of meeting will be published on the Forum Notice Board within the Practice. A copy of the group’s minutes will be available for patients to read.
5. Management of Meetings
The group will be chaired by a patient representative, known as the Chair. The Patient Chair, Deputy Chair and Secretary will be appointed annually by the group. If an elected officer, for whatever reason, resigns during the year then the Group can elect an interim person for that position who can then put themselves up for election at the next annual election. Existing elected officers are allowed to reapply for election but can only serve a maximum 3 years continuous tenure in any one elected position. If after the 3 years continuous tenure, in an elected position, there is no member wishing to stand for that position the members can re-elect the current incumbent, if that person is willing to stay in that position. Meetings will be in the Tutbury Village Hall, or other suitable venue, and will be held to suit the convenience of the majority of the members. The Secretary will attend meetings to take the minutes and after consultation with the Chair and/or Deputy Chair organise agendas and paper work. All members will be invited to raise items for the agenda by contacting the Secretary prior to the meeting. If the Secretary is unable to attend a meeting then one of the members present will be nominated to take minutes of the proceedings. All patient representatives should contact the practice representatives with any questions or issues regarding personal information. All members will be expected to respect rules of confidentiality and not discuss personal or sensitive information outside a meeting.
6. Quorum and decision-making
At meetings a quorum will consist of at least 5 members, one of which has to be one of the three elected officers. The Patient Forum will aim wherever possible to reach a decision by consensus. Where this is not possible the view held by the majority of those present will be the view that is agreed and taken forward by the group.
This Constitution replaces that of January 2011.